BTC price data comes from the established exchange BitStamp. Smart contracts provide judgment on the results, ensuring that there is no human intervention and the results are fair and effective.
A trading cycle lasts from 1 to 10 minutes. Users choose to buy rising or falling prices based on their own judgment. If after the end of the trading cycle, the market price is consistent with the user's judgment, the user will receive a financial reward and the transaction will end.
High income depends on the amount of user funds used to buy up and down. The greater the capital difference between the two parties, income will be higher.
The smart contract will charge a handling fee of 2.5 of the bonus amount.
Smart contracts will permanently run on the blockchain, and users can operate their own funds at any time. Contract asset details can be viewed in the blockchain browser.
Your income is provided by your counterparty. For example, if you buy when the market goes up, and the market does go up, then users who bought when the market went down during this period will lose funds, and these funds will be distributed to users who bought when the market went up.
Transactions cannot be modified on the blockchain, you can perform hedging transactions in the opposite direction
BTC transactions are conducted 24 hours a day, so we are also open 24 hours a day. The smart contract ensures that users can trade on the blockchain 24 hours a day.
If someone writes the recommender as you, then you and them will form a team. If he incurs a transaction fee, you will receive a fee sharing. Direct superiors will receive 50% of the handling fee. Indirect superiors will receive a 20% handling fee. According to the proportion of team liquidity in smart contract liquidity, there will also be additional reward sharing.
Rewards are divided into 4 levels.
Liquidity ratio <5% Reward ratio: 120%
Liquidity ratio 5% - 15% Reward ratio: 150%
Liquidity ratio 15% - 50% Reward ratio: 200%
Liquidity ratio >50% Reward ratio: 300%